About Us


Our board of trustees is tasked with the oversight of our charitable organisation and collaborates with the school management in matters such as strategic planning, setting policies, fundraising and finance.

Current Members

Iliyana Ilieva-Filatova (appointed 2021)
Science teacher, recently became chairperson of the board

Sonja Lüscher Keogh, Secretary (appointed 2016)
Co-founder, baker and main form submitter since the set-up phase of the school.

Joseph F. Campbell (appointed 2017)
Creator of his own educational roadshow, musician, Trinity researcher, actor, supporter of and speaker for our school since our very first public meeting.

Mark Keogh (appointed 2017)
Co-founder, Feldenkrais practitioner, and steady advocate of our vision.

Philip Mooney (appointed 2017)
Craftsman, painter, musician and most loyal participant at school Meitheals.